Thursday, May 23, 2013

Jodie Renner, Editor

Jodie Renner presented a workshop at the last London Writer’s Society meeting where she talked about the importance of the first page. She’s offered to do first page critiques on her blog for anyone who wishes to send her something. She offers anonymity if you choose.
Below you’ll find a link to a critique she did for my WIP. I read the original at the meeting and she had some excellent suggestions then. I then did some revising and sent it to her. You can see the results of that exchange below.
I have her book Style That Sizzles & Pacing for Power and highly recommend it to anyone who wants to power-up their fiction.
Feel free to submit the first page of your novel or short story (maximum 400 words) to j.renner.editing(at)hotmail(dot)com. She’ll be glad to add it to the ones I’ve already received to critique here anonymously.  Jodie Renner, freelance fiction editor